Thursday evening was the first Wisconsin Whisk event, and it was awesome.

I just spent 3 minutes trying to think of an adjective that was more eloquent than “awesome,” but to be quite honest, awesome is right.

About 15 members plus a couple guests all joined us at MSCo Patisserie for drinks and desserts, to finally meet in person and to talk about this crazy collective that we’re building. Earlier on Thursday, The Cap Times published an article about Whisk, and it absolutely energized the members. We’ve got so many cool and exciting ideas of what to do as we grow the group, but that’s all for later. For now, it’s vegetable time.

Here’s what arrived in our CSA basket this week. We’re at that amazing part of the season where we’re seeing both heirloom tomatoes and the winter squash. Wisconsin, you crazy.

Farmer's Market & CSA Series {Week 16} | Things I Made Today

Some ideas for what to make of this goodness:

Heirloom Tomates

Bell Peppers


Delicata Squash


Romaine Lettuce

Red Onion


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